Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The most amazing place has been found. A repository to satiate your imagination. What is this mysterious place? The Seattle Public Library. Times have changed. This is NOT the library from childhood. Oh, no. It is modern, efficient and inspiring.

Libraries for All
Seattle voters in 1998 approved the largest library bond issue then ever submitted in the United States. The landmark "Libraries for All" bond measure, which proposed a $196.4 million makeover of the Library system, garnered an unprecedented 69 percent approval rate at the polls. The massive measure will double the square footage in Seattle's 22 libraries, including the building of new branches, plus also produce a new $169.2 million Central Library (including $10 million for the Temporary Central Library) to replace its worn-out 1960 predecessor.

In 2004, the central library downtown opened. Designed by Rem Koolhaas, this sculpture for public access provides a gathering place for those seeking knowledge.

Of course I'm partial to my neighborhood library in Ballard (the most amazing neighborhood ever!) Also complete with a modern design, it is within walking distance saving me time, money and lowering my carbon footprint.

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