Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting Stoned with Rosetta

So today marks an very important day. I am learning German. Rosetta Stone offers their course on CD-ROM at a price most nomads, like myself, can't afford. However, they do offer an online subscription for the same materials at half the cost! Naturally, I bought it.

The Rosetta experience uses full immersion -- visual and contextual clues leading to mastery. The premise, they suggest, is the same as when we learned our first language. I'm so drawn into the language that the slow pace at which it moves doesn't seem to affect me.

My goal: Six-months from today I desire enough fluency to spend some quality time in the town I love so much: Salzburg, Austria. And, of course, to throw back a few beers. Let's bookmark this thought until we can make a proper toast at that awesome beer place in Fremont.

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