Tuesday, March 17, 2009

RIP Seattle P-I

The final daily version of the beloved Seattle Post-Intelligencer (1863-2009) prints today. The publication will continue online with a severely reduced staff of 20 persons -- down from 165.

The disappearance of newspapers raises many questions. What next? If news becomes an online only source, what aspects of tradition will slip away? What will become of it's replacement? Reducing a staff at the rate the Seattle P-I did can only limit the amount of information presented. What gets cut and who decides?

Seattle is an amazingly culturally rich community. The P-I served as only one source for information. The intelligent, critical reader uses many sources to form an opinion. With papers disappearing one by one, could be we suffocating ourselves from independent thought? Not likely, but the paradigm is certainly shifting and the future unknown.

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