Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Nerve

Trekking across the country on an airplane can be filled with, well, a lot of crap. So, it was on this earlier evening's journey that I suddenly was inspired to write about nerves. How people get on our nerves and why is it it rarely seems that someone's behavior soothes our nerves. And then somewhere along my path of many travels, I started hearing good folk retort "You're getting on my last nerve."

The Last Nerve. What is that? The final one. What happens next with no more nerves to get on?

It could just be the last nerve is merely the other end of the thread one might be hanging on.

Are the last nerve and wits end somehow interrelated? Those phrases sometimes appear interchangeable. Maybe one arrives at the wits end before the last nerve. Kind of like a warning prior to the trigger being pulled.

Or, perhaps, it's me annoyed at someone's distinguishing bodily function because I only slept 3 hours last night. I don't care to listen to a man's obnoxious cough or the flight attendant's inaccurate and rather laborious announcement of how we are about to land in Chicago. We are headed to Dallas.

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